Shroud Exhibit and Museum (SEAM), Inc.

(575) 921-3505 (during hours or e-mail)
Museum Location:
3199 N White Sands Blvd,Alamogordo, North side by the food shops
Mail: P.O. Box 1711, Alamogordo, NM 88311

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09/25/2024 Turin Shroud may actually be Jesus's burial cloth, new study suggests
09/22/2024 New confirmations of the authenticity of the Shroud (Google Translate)
08/24/2024 Scientists demand the Shroud of Turin to be re-analyzed amid growing evidence it could be authentic
008/23/2024 Fox News 2024-08-22 Researchers New finding on Turin Shroud
08/22/2024 Controversial new Shroud of Turin evidence said to offer proof of Christ's crucifixion
03/25/2024 New Isotope Tests Prove Shroud Linen is Middle Eastern by William Meacham*
Undated, viewed 08/11/2023 Here's What Jesus Really Looked Like, According to AI by Jade Small
02/17/2023 Shroud, the archdiocese of Turin presents a cross-media project dedicated to the cloth
10/07/2022 New X-ray Dating Technique by Edward Pentin NCR
06/06/2022 Is the Shroud of Turin the Authentic Burial Cloth of Christ? New Scientific Evidence Sheds Light on Centuries-Old Mystery
05/18/2022 After 66 years studying Shroud of Turin, deacon says image is 'God's love letter'
05/17/2022 The Shroud revisited by Baima Bollone (Google translate)
12/31/2021 Bishop Nosiglia Reflect on the Shroud (Google translate)
12/30/2021 New book charges famous Shroud of Turin tests were flawed, politically motivated by WND Staff
09/15/2020 Shroud Display at the Holy Trinity Parish (Google Translate) by Il Piacenza*
08/05/2020 3D model of Christ based on Shroud of Turin on display in Venice
06/01/2020 Fabio Marzano - Rewrite past with carbon-14 (262k)*
04/05/2020 Shroud on Exhibit April 11-17, 2020
09/10/2019 Shroud Exhibition 2025? (Translated from Italian)
Undated, posted 08/30/2019 Chase A. Thompson - Busting Shroud Myths: Did Carbon 14 dating prove that The Shroud of Turin was a fake?
08/24/2019 K.V. Turley - The Atheist Filmmaker and the Shroud of Turin
08/23/2019 Francis Phillips - The Shroud of Turin Cannot be Dismissed so Easily
08/15/2019 Guillermo Gonzalez - Addressing the Carbon Dating
08/11/2019 Myra Kahn Adams - Open Letter to Pope Francis: Time to Re-Test the Shroud
08/06/2019 Mickey Conlon - Conference aims to push the boundaries of faith and science in study of the Shroud
08/06/2019 Bruno Barberis - About the Mystery of the Shroud
08/05/2019 K.V. Turley - The Shroud of Turin: Latest Study Deepens Mystery
08/4/2019 Jim Moore - Do You Believe in the Shroud of Turin?
07/30/2019 Dan Peterson - About the Shroud
07/26/2019 Sebastian Kettley - Jesus Christ bombshell: Shroud of Turin hoax claims ruled out - But is it the face of God?
06/11/2019 Domenico Agasso Jr. - Dating The Shroud, La Stampa
05/27/2019 Fabio Quadrini - The Shroud is not medieval: the radiocarbon is wrong
05/23/2019 University of Catania - Note on the radiocarbon age of the Turin Shroud
04/17/2016 James Riordan - Shroud & Sudarium covered same man
08/04/2015 CNA - Shroud And One Skeptical Scientist (138k)*
03/25/2015 VIS - Exhibition of the Holy Shroud (73.2k)*
06/03/2013 CNA - Experts meet in Mexico for conference on Shroud of Turin
05/06/2013 NCR - Science Shines New Light on Shroud of Turin's Age
03/28/2013 Zenit - Mobile: Shroud 2.0
03/26/2013 Vatican Insider - New Dating of the Shroud Shows it's about 2000 Years Old
04/08/2012 CBS - Agnostic art historian Thomas de Wesselow claims Shroud authentic
12/30/2011 Italian Study Suggests Shroud Is Authentic
12/22/2011 Scientists: Shroud of Turin-genuine
10/13/2011 400 year-old Shroud Copy on Public Display
12/20/2010 Pope Benedict XVI: Shroud and the Sick (168k)*
05/03/2010 Pope visits Turin Shroud
05/03/2010 Columbus Dispatch: Pope's faith in Shroud
04/09/2010 VIS: Exposition of Turin Shroud (146k)*
04/02/2010 SEAM Reviews: History Channel's The Real Face of Jesus? (202k)*
03/25/2010 VIS: Turin Shroud Exposition (126k)*
04/06/2009 Vatican Expert: Knights Templar secretly held Shroud (5k)*
10/16/2009 Brother Dimond: Shroud Duplication Refuted (audio)
10/12/2009 Mexican Shroud Expert: Flaws of 'Duplicate' (45k)*
2008 The Shroud and Haltadefinizione: the shooting of 2008

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© 2009-2025, Shroud Exhibit and Museum, Inc.
Last reviewed & updated: 02/07/2025
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(from 09/02/2009)