Shroud Exhibit and Museum (SEAM), Inc.

(575) 921-3505 (during hours or e-mail)
Museum Location:
3199 N White Sands Blvd,Alamogordo, North side by the food shops
Mail: P.O. Box 1711, Alamogordo, NM 88311

iSEAM Site Safety (70.7k)* | Chamber of Commerce Member

Volunteers Needed! Click Here! | Click to donate to this non-profit

Donations needed to continue operations (secured by Paypal)
Translate (tradurre, traducir, traduire, Übersetzen)

Historical record of local & distant SEAM events online
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 |

Historical iSEAM pageload average per day by year (total)
2023-13 (4,563) | 2022-16 (5,775) | 2021-15 (5,411) | 2020-11 (4,093) | 2019-16 (5,949) | 2018-14 (4,935) | 2017-14 (5,136) | 2016-12 (4,285) | 2015-11 (4,111) | 2014-15 (5,568) | 2013-13 (4,650) | 2012-21 (7,533) | 2011-33 (12,054) | 2010-32 (11,794)

Page History
2014 Old Museum Tour
2024 Old Museum Tour
iSEAM Visitors' Countries (139)*
iSEAM Website Planning*

iSEAM Updates (newest on top)
2024-01-01 Created 2023EventsArchive and updated all pages & documents as needed
2023-01-01 Created 2022EventsArchive and updated all pages & documents as needed
2022-12-02 Complete review of consistency of all pages, updated code where necessary
2022-05-06 Reviewed & updated all links in Library page & added videos to Video page
2022-01-01 Added 2021 Archive page
2021-04-04 Added 2020 Archive page
2020-11-23 Added two-column info to all pages
2020-01-12 Added 2019 Archive page
2019-02-24 Major update, all pages made mobile ready
2018-11-23 Eliminated all manual mobile pages in anticipation of the mobile update
2018-01-03 Updated all pages and added 2017 Events Archive pages
2017-03-18 Added multilingual Translate highlighting ability to translate all iSEAM pages
2017-01-07 Fixed coding errors, updated About Us & Page History Pages
2016-12-28 Narrowed & centered all mobile pages to improve the viewing experience
2016-12-28 Moved SEAM contact/location information to top of pages
2016-09-05 Updated Navigation Menu, Created News & Video Pages
2016-01-01 Updated All Pages with New Year & added 2015 Archive Pages
2015-07-18 Updated Pollen Study Information on Science & Full Presentations
2015-07-16 Added Webmaster Shroud & Zechariah Reflection
2015-01-01 Added 2014 Archive Pages
2014-04-21 Variety of updates to the Presentation
2014-01-01 Added 2013 Archive Pages
2013-01-11 Added Reflection on Ray Rogers Quotes by Yannick Clément
2013-01-01 Added 2012 Archive Pages
2012-12-28 Added several youtube available videos to the Library pages
2012-12-27 Removed Contacts & Privacy pages, incorporating them into others
2012-12-05 Added Fr. Peter Rindldi article from 1934
2012-10-28 Added several articles by Thibault Heimburger & David Belz
2012-07-26 After 3-months assistance, posted new original article by Yannick Clément
2012-07-22 Recovered after pages of entire site deleted
2012-04-21 Updated menu items to go from mobile version to full and back
2012-04-21 Added links to library pages about Blood & home pages about Barrie
2012-04-07 Updated Presentation breaking up Other into Scripture & Summary
2012-03-23 Made some coding changes and simplified some code
2012-03-17 Added Most Viewed Files PDF to the Archive for March 17, 2011-2012
2012-03-17 Created QUICK INFO link for easy access to event information
2012-03-12 Merged video & audio to Multimedia Library
2012-03-08 Merged Original & Translation into one set of pages
2012-02-09 Updated regular hours & added new upcoming events
2012-01-18 Created Mobile pages & menu items for better phone display
2012-01-11 Added 2011 Archive
2011-12-25 Added 2 scientific Shroud studies articles to Library
2011-12-04 Updated multi-file #8 Other Shroud Presentation
2011-08-28 Updated SEAM Presentation History section with timeline
2011-06-25 Modified original Spanish "The Christ" file for iSEAM
2011-06-11 Added multi-file Shroud Presentation of original
2011-06-09 Created visitor's countries PDF to Archive
2011-06-01 Reorganized Shroud Presentation for next phase
2011-05-27 44444 visit Friday, May 27, 2011 @ 7:41AM
2011-05-27 Added Guerreschi images & STURP info to Shroud Presentation v15
2011-05-23 Added higher quality images, Enrie & colorized Guerreschi photos
2011-05-21 Completely revamped menu, added inverse to pics pages
2011-05-18 Modified navigation buttons as transition to new buttons
2011-05-07 Added substantial, unique photos to Shroud Presentation
2011-05-04 Added Privacy & tPrivacy Policy
2011-04-16 Added Dr. Soons Pictures to Archive
2011-03-27 Added pollen studies to Shroud Presentation
2011-03-26 Added gradual head image enhancement to Pics
2011-03-26 Evaluated Vignon Markings in Shroud Presentation
2011-03-25 Added cardboard picture & Dr. Soons lectures
2011-03-24 Added pictures & info to Shroud Presentation
2011-02-27 Expanded information in SEAM Shroud Presentation
2011-02-20 Added more Shroud sites to Search
2011-02-19 Added enhanced contrast Dr. Soons' 3D still photo
2011-02-18 Updated Webpage Development History display
2011-02-02 Updated SEAM VP8 Presentation
2011-01-17 Created 2010 Events & tEvents Archive
2011-01-13 Substantially updated SEAM Shroud Presentation
2010-10-15 Created Shopping pages
2010-10-11 Added donate button supporting this free museum
2010-08-30 Created drop down list on Library & Page History
2010-08-08 Substantially updated SEAM Shroud Presentation
2010-08-03 Created Museum Tour
2010-05-30 Created & added SEAM VP8 Presentation
2010-05-27 Added sizes for PDF files
2010-05-13 Created Translate & Original buttons, added frontal negative pic
2010-05-01 Added CSS reducing page size
2010-04-26 Changed counter to Stat Counter
2010-04-21 Added SEAM Shroud of Turin Presentation
2010-04-20 Created identical Translate set of pages
2010-04-10 Created Multimedia Library
2010-02-07 Created 2009 Events Archive
2010-01-20 Added Google Translate
2009-12-25 Created VP8 Talk
2009-10-16 Added Amazing counter
2009-10-14 Created Inverse Pictures, Search & Events Archive pages
2009-09-12 Created Pictures & Contacts
2009-09-09 Created search capabilities on site
2009-09-04 Created navigation buttons & Links
2009-09-02 Published Home page with SEAM Information Pamphlet
2009-08-23 Created plans & initial version of

  • Visitors
    iSEAM Visitors' Countries (139)*

  • Presentations at Your Location
    Dcn Andy Weiss, SEAM Webmaster and Dcn Pete Schumacher, Founder & VP8 Production Engineer from 1972-1978 are available to conduct Shroud presentations on-location (museum, church, school, etc.) tailored to the interests of your group. Presentations can focus on scientific, archeological, historical, religious, spiritual & other aspects. They can do a combined presentation & are available to lead on-location spiritual retreats. They will tailor presentation length to fit your needs. For more information or to schedule a presentation, click Dcn Andy.

  • About Us
    Free Turin Shroud interactive exhibit offering some unique items. A professionally back-lit, full-sized 1:1, high-resolution, color spectrum accurate 1978 Shroud photograph. One of only a couple VP8 Image Analyzers* on open and interactive display that show the 3D information on the Shroud revealed by brightness. Displays showing medical, historic, 1978 STURP Investigation, information on the holographic studies of the Shroud and other information, including NM Shroud research. Our goal is make the Shroud available to all including the vision impaired.

    Shroud Exhibit And Museum, Inc., is a non-profit New Mexico corporation, IRS granted tax exempt 501(c)(3) public charity, listed in the Official Catholic Directory & sustained through your tax deductible donations & our wonderful volunteers. To volunteer to staff the museum, write grants or help in other ways, contact Dcn Andy.

Privacy Policy
© 2009-2024, Shroud Exhibit and Museum, Inc.
Last reviewed & updated: 07/22/2024
Items marked with * require Adobe PDF Reader (click to get)
(from 09/02/2009)